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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

6 going on 16 ?????

When is it that girls start talking on the telephone with their friends? Sophie has talked with a couple of her friends on the phone before, but I had to call their mothers which are friends of mine and Sophie asked to speak to their daugther(s). Anyway, Sophie asked me after school today if she could call her friend Taylor? Well, who is Taylor? "Taylor is my friend from cheerleading camp." I didn't remember her talking about a Taylor before from cheerleading camp this summer. After more questioning, Taylor is in her class this year and Taylor gave her her phone number today. Well, I told Sophie that after she had her homework done and finished supper she could. We also practiced on phone ettiquette and what she should say when calling. I let her call and limited her call to about 5 mintues...what do 1st grader have to talk about? Apparently, not much, as I suspected, but she was so excited about it. I on the other hand wanted to cry....just another little reminder of how much she is growing up. The whole thing to me just seemed like a big deal to me...this was a friend I don't know. Sophie said that Taylor's mom said something about a play date, maybe there is a new friend in it for me too!


  1. Oh my goodness Jill, she IS so big! Calling friends, I had no idea it happened that soon. Holy Cow, we have so much to look forward to, although McCrae will probably be our phone talker. Veda is all about a cell phone! Crazy how fast they grow. Your girls look precious for school. I'm glad to hear they are loving it! And yes, her messenger bag is the size of her, but very stylish:)!

  2. Thanks for your comment!! Your girls are precious!! :-)
