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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Halloween Fun

October 21, 2010 - The second grade went on a field trip to the Courthouse, 911 Call Center, and Downtown to view a few historical sites, then a stop at the Marina Park for lunch and play. I joined Sophie's class on the trip and they seemed to have fun.

October 25, 2010 - Pumpkin Carving Night (never mind the boxes and mess in the background - time to move AGAIN)

Emmeline is not fond of the pumpkin "guts"

OK, a little out of order but - October 22, 2010 - off to Annual Halloween Party for the kids I helped our friend's The Winburn's host. The kids had a fabulous time playing and hunting for treats on the spooky/not-so-spooky trail with their flashlights and then a hay ride.

Emmeline & Wyatt

Sophie's cowgirl costume had not come in the mail yet, so we had to throw something else together....we came up with a witch - had the skirt from last year's costume and I had a witch hat - so there we go. Here is Sophie with our friend Mattie (who is 3 years younger than Sophie- Mattie is so tall or Sophie is so short!)


October 30, 2010 - Conway was the only city in our county to observe Trick-or-Treating on Saturday night, which was fine by me....seemed not so right to have it on Sunday anyway, in my opinion. Sophie's cowgirl costume finally came in the mail Friday afternoon. She was excited - as you can tell as she strikes her cowgirl pose!

First, the kids from church went to the Nursing Home for a reverse trick-or-treat. The kids gave out bags of homemade cookies to the residents and some residents had candy for the kids. It really seemed to brightened the residents' day - and the kids seemed to really enjoy it. I was a little worried about Sophie getting upset or scared. She did on her last visit there to see my great-uncle. She did great - it didn't bother her at all this time!

Emmeline & Marlee

The girls with their great-great uncle Archie - Sophie was so excited to go by to visit him!

Then off with our friend/babysitter Erica to her neighborhood for Trick-or-Treating.
We got started early and finished early with supper at Chick-fil-A, then home, and I sacked out right after I got the kids to bed at 8:30....we all slept until 8:30 the next morning!

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