My Blog List

Monday, November 29, 2010

All I Want for Christmas is my Two Front Teeth!

Sophie has had one of her top teeth hanging by a thread since Halloween and she would NOT let anyone touch it. It was just hanging there all looked horrible. Then one of her bottom teeth became a little more loose too. On Sunday afternoon (Nov 29, 2010) she was in the bathroom & called out to me that she pulled her tooth out! Hallelujah! Wait, which one, I thought...she said the bottom one. Well, since you can pull them yourself, get that top one out too, I told her. With a little hesitation she went to work on the top one...out it came! She is snaggle toothed for sure now! 2 teeth in 1 day! This is the 5th & 6th ones she has lost now.
I was so proud of her for doing this herself & she was too! Lord knows, I couldn't pull teeth - I would pass out! She said, "I think I will get $20 from the tooth fairy." "Really?!", I replied. "I am just estimating!" "What?", I said. "Well, that is what we are doing in school - estimating." Sophie's estimates were off - the tooth fairy left $2!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thankful Turkeys

To remind the girls of how much we have to be Thankful for , we read a bible verse on Thanksgiving each day and cut a "turkey feather" out of construction paper and wrote on it what they were thankful for. We made the turkey body by using a pinecone and made a head for the turkey. Each day the feather created the turkey's tail feathers.
Nov 1
Ephesians 5:20
Sophie: I am Thankful for our Lord Jesus
Emmeline: I am Thankful for Mommy, Daddy, Sissy

Nov 2
1 Thessalonians 5:18
Sophie: I am Thankful for a good life
Emmeline: I am Thankful for Jesus God

Nov 3
Psalm 107:1
Sophie: I am Thankful for a house for me
Emmeline: I am Thankful for pinecones

Nov 4
James 1:17
Sophie: I am Thankful for a family
Emmeline: I am Thankful for jammies (pajamas) & clothes

Nov 5
Psalm 118:1-18
Sophie: I am Thankful for a healthy body
Emmeline: I am Thankful for leaves

Nov 6
2 Corinthians 9:15
Sophie: I am Thankful for a good teacher
Emmeline: I am Thankful for shoes

Nov 7
Psalm 105:1
Sophie: I am Thankful for mom, dad, sissy
Emmeline: I am Thankful for chairs

Nov 8
Col 3:15
Sophie: I am Thankful for a school for me to learn
Emmeline: I am Thankful for TV

Nov 9
Psalm 20:4
Sophie: I am Thankful for little pretty creatures & animals
Emmeline: I am Thankful for suckers

Nov 10
Colossians 4:2
Sophie: I am Thankful for a church for me to learn about the Lord Jesus
Emmeline: I am Thankful for clothes

Nov 11
Romans 10:9
Sophie: I am Thankful that I am safe from the devil
Emmeline: I am Thankful for a car

Nov 12
Colossians 3:15
Sophie: I am Thankful for a swingset
Emmeline: I am Thankful for my friends

Nov 13
Romans 1:21
Sophie: I am Thankful for friends
Emmeline: I am Thankful for food

Nov 14
Phillipians 4:6
Sophie: I am Thankful for a nose to breathe with
Emmeline: I am Thankful for my toys

Nov 15
Micah 6:8
Sophie: I am Thankful for fresh air & the Holy Bible to read in it
Emmeline: I am Thankful for food

Nov 16
Romans 10:10
Sophie: I am Thankful for a bed to sleep in
Emmeline: I am Thankful for the phone

Nov 17
John 3:16
Sophie: I am Thankful for light to see
Emmeline: I am Thankful for cereal

Nov 18
Psalm 23:1-6
Sophie: I am Thankful for juice, milk, & water
Emmeline: I am Thankful for water

Nov 19
2 Peter 3:9
Sophie: I am Thankful for Emmeline - a sister to play with
Emmeline: I am Thankful for pillows

Nov 20
1 John 1:19
Sophie: I am Thankful for friends & teacher
Emmeline: I am Thankful for my teachers
Nov 21
Psalm 50:14-15
Sophie: I am Thankful for computer, TV, DVD, Wii
Emmeline: I am Thankful for my "bankie" (blankie/blanket)
Nov 22
Psalm 69:30
Sophie: I am Thankful for a pen to write with
Emmeline: I am Thankful for kitties

Nov 23
Psalm 100:4
Sophie: I am Thankful for paper to write on
Emmeline: I am Thankful for coats

Nov 24
Colossians 4:2
Sophie: I am Thankful for chairs
Emmeline: I am Thankful for my stuffed animals

Nov 25
Colossians 2:6-7
Sophie: I am Thankful for my stuffed animals.
Emmeline: I am Thankful for the phone

Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Day

Off to day care for Emme & to Am-Ma's for Sophie since she is on Thanksgiving Break

Gobble! Gobble!

On November 18, 2010 Sophie's school had their Thanksgiving feast. Ammy & Am-Ma, & I came to eat with her.
Sophie with her teacher - The Best Teacher Ever!
Emmeline & her turkey mask she made at school

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

(oops! Didn't mean to cut Sophie's head off)

Meet our new Friends, etc.

We came home with 7 new goldfish from Emery's 1st Birthday Party. Meet Lovely, Graceful, Princess, and Peaceful - Sophie's fish; Tinkerbell, Lu Lu, and Plataypus - Emme's fish. Yes, Plataypus - she came up with that all on her own! Love it! The girls sure are enjoying them....I told Brooke, when the goldfish start to die, I will be calling her with the kids crying, and she can explain death to them (LOL!) I just love to watch Emmeline watching the fish - there is just so much wonder and amazement in her face - I love simple moments like these - they can brighten any day..

and so can these moments..........daddy giving manicures and pedicures!

October 31, 2010

Another busy day- Sunday School, Church, Dinner at my parents' for my grandmother and step-grandfather's birthday, then to my best friend's daughter's first birthday party.....and what a cute party it was - Goldfish!

Ellie, Sophie & Emery
(as usual Emme refused to be in the picture)
so as party favors we came home with two bowls of goldfish!

Halloween Fun

October 21, 2010 - The second grade went on a field trip to the Courthouse, 911 Call Center, and Downtown to view a few historical sites, then a stop at the Marina Park for lunch and play. I joined Sophie's class on the trip and they seemed to have fun.

October 25, 2010 - Pumpkin Carving Night (never mind the boxes and mess in the background - time to move AGAIN)

Emmeline is not fond of the pumpkin "guts"

OK, a little out of order but - October 22, 2010 - off to Annual Halloween Party for the kids I helped our friend's The Winburn's host. The kids had a fabulous time playing and hunting for treats on the spooky/not-so-spooky trail with their flashlights and then a hay ride.

Emmeline & Wyatt

Sophie's cowgirl costume had not come in the mail yet, so we had to throw something else together....we came up with a witch - had the skirt from last year's costume and I had a witch hat - so there we go. Here is Sophie with our friend Mattie (who is 3 years younger than Sophie- Mattie is so tall or Sophie is so short!)


October 30, 2010 - Conway was the only city in our county to observe Trick-or-Treating on Saturday night, which was fine by me....seemed not so right to have it on Sunday anyway, in my opinion. Sophie's cowgirl costume finally came in the mail Friday afternoon. She was excited - as you can tell as she strikes her cowgirl pose!

First, the kids from church went to the Nursing Home for a reverse trick-or-treat. The kids gave out bags of homemade cookies to the residents and some residents had candy for the kids. It really seemed to brightened the residents' day - and the kids seemed to really enjoy it. I was a little worried about Sophie getting upset or scared. She did on her last visit there to see my great-uncle. She did great - it didn't bother her at all this time!

Emmeline & Marlee

The girls with their great-great uncle Archie - Sophie was so excited to go by to visit him!

Then off with our friend/babysitter Erica to her neighborhood for Trick-or-Treating.
We got started early and finished early with supper at Chick-fil-A, then home, and I sacked out right after I got the kids to bed at 8:30....we all slept until 8:30 the next morning!

11 Years - October 16, 2010

On October 16, 1999, I married my best friend....He is the most caring and thoughtful man I know. He is a man of great character. He always makes sure we are provided for, protects us, and loves us. He is a wonderful father to our children. I love him so much and that he loves the Lord and is committed to me and our family.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

We Love Fall...and Halloween...and the Tooth Fairy

We love the weather it brings and all the fun things to do...and all the cute Halloween & Fall clothes the girls get to wear........

On, Tuesday, October 19, 2010, Sophie lost her 4th tooth at school...this time she came home with it in the tooth necklace she so wanted!

The tooth fairy came and left her a nice surprise! Even mommy was surprised - $5.00! Maybe the tooth fairy wanted to cheer her up after her bad day at school when she lost her tooth. A girl in her class told her she "looked stupid without her tooth" and then pushed her down. Oh, how that hurt my heart so bad. It hurt Sophie's too...she is so sensitive, just like me.

We went to the rodeo.........

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Emme Gets her Tonsils out.

October 7, 2010 - Emmeline has a lot of trouble with her tonsils and sleep apnea, so the doctor ordered them out along with her adenoids. She had to stay over night in the hospital. She did very well, and was such a big girl. It was a little difficult to keep this "wild woman" as she likes to call herself now, in the room and rest. She is still not feeling 100% and not eating much at all, but she is improving. We are thankful that the good Lord was there with us to protect her and guide the doctors and to heal is a routine surgery, but there are always risks.

Just after the "silly" medicine

Painting after surgery

Finally she gave up and went to sleep at 6:30 that evening - no nap all day

The next morning - Going Home!