What a fun weekend we have had so far. Friday was Sophie's field day at school. This was her first Field Day, so momma had to be there, of course.....Since we had so much rain, field day was moved into the gym, but the kids still had a great time. These days, the kids or classes do not win ribbons for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place, because, for goodness sake, some child would get his or her feelings hurt...I mean, I hate to see a child upset, but in my opinion, this sets kids up for a lifetime of disappointment. If they do not ever get to experience disapointment, how will the be able to function in life......life is full of disappointments...better to learn the right way to win & loose while you are young........anyway, I am off my soapbox now............... Sophie was thrilled with her "participation" ribbon. She played like a good sport & had a great time, and so did I.
Since, they were not doing anything important after field day & lunch, this momma got some big time brownie points.....called our family friend/neighbor to see if I could get her girls to go home , so we could go swim at her mom's pool. So I checked out Sophie, Allyson (who is in her class), and Allyson's big sister, Grayson......they were thrilled. We spent the afternoon swimming in the pool...............then Ron wanted to go stay at the river house with some other friends, so we headed down to the river to cook, play & relax, with friends...The kids had a great time & our other good friends, who have a river house next door came over too. 6 kids running around, in & out the house and the screen door a slammin' (one of my favorite sounds........how nice. All the kids played so well together, the adults hung out on the dock & enjoyed margaritas, good conversation, listening to the crickets, frogs & other sounds of the river and the display of lightening bugs through the trees across the river...........perfect! God is good!
This morning the daddies went fishing, and our friends daughter got sick....so the day was cut a little short, but we went home for lunch & naps, then off to the beach! Emmeline LOVED it! Last summer she just wanted to eat the sand. All she wanted to do was get in the ocean and lay down in it! We couldn't keep her out of it. Sophie's friend Allyson went with us. They love & fight like sisters, and did they ever on the beach...then once we were on the way home, they were over their quarreling & begged to go swimming at Allyson's grandparents pool (which is "The" gathering place on the weekends - year around). Since everyone was there already, even Ron, we went swimming at the pool...We had a fish fry with all the fixins. The fish were caught today & we even had gator tail...that someone brought home from the river today. My kids did not want to leave...they were so tired....Sophie cried & Emmeline was great! With only an hour nap today, and up 2 hours past her bedtime, she was still as good as gold. Can there be too much water in one weekend? We still have Sunday! But Sunday is church, dinner, and NAP for everyone, except momma....off to Florence, SC for our pastor's ordination with the United Methodist Church! Better get off here and get to bed........Good Night.