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Saturday, May 9, 2009

Sophie's 6th Birthday

My oldest baby girl celebrated her 6th birthday last weekend....Friday, May 1. How time flies! It seems like yesterday I was sent straight to the hospital from the doctor's office 6 1/2 weeks before my due date, scared to death. My 4lb. baby girl is now so grown up. She is so sweet & loving. She has impressed her kindergarden teachers with her reading & writing and her gymnastics coach compliments her on her excellent coordination. I can't believe how quick this age came. She loves school, gymnastics, drawing pictures for me, picking mom flowers, playing with her baby sister, singing& playing her guitar, hanging out & going hunting with daddy & going to church. I am so proud of her. She brings us so much joy. Thank you God for this miracle you sent us. If I had not had that doctor's appointment that day, she would not here with us. Thank you for your precious gift.
Friday was a big day for Sophie....First, it was muffins for mom at school, so we got there a little early to enjoy a muffin together, but to our surprise , they also had Krispy Kreme donuts....what southerner can resist a Krispy Kreme..not us! Her kindergarden class had earned a picnic & it was also on Friday, her birthday, so I sent cupcakes, which she was so excited about. For supper we went to Ammy & Poppa's (Ron's parents) to have hot dogs and hamburgers with the family...Am-ma & Grandy (my parents), Uncle Jon (my brother), Nana & P-Pa (Ron's grandmother & step-grandfather), Ma-Ma & Mr. Lloyd (my grandmother & step-granddfather), Aunt Frank (my great-aunt), and Miss Amber (Ron's brother's girlfriend) were there.....Uncle Rick (Ron's brother) was out of town working .....we ate too much & Sophie blew out all her candles at once....Then it was a quick stop by our friend's house - The Thompson's - they had a cookout for their son Jacob's birthday (which was Thursday) but we already had Sophie's family party planned, so we went by for a quick visit on the way home. Jacob turned 8 and Sophie has a crush on him...all she wanted to do was go to Jacob's house when we were eating for her birthday. She gets so giggly about's cute.
Saturday, we had her party at Gymnastics, Inc., where she takes gymnastics. It was the easiest party I have done yet. Take the small amount of decorations, cake, pizza, chips, fruit & drinks over there, a quick clean-up andwe were done! Best of all the kinds and even some of the moms & dads had a great time of the gymnastics equipment...I even tried to see if I could still do a back handspring...I could, but I won't try that at home.

After the party, her friends, Cassidy & Leigh Catherine begged for her to spend the night with after much pleading & begging & talk with dad, she went...she was so tired, she really needed to go home & go to bed..but since it was her birthday...we let her. They got to bed at a resonable hour & had a great time together....those new pj's she got as a gift at the party came in handy.
So, after the busy weekend, Sophie went home with her friends, me & Emmeline went home and played, daddy went hog hunting that night....I put Emme to bed, ate birthday cake for supper & enjoyed a chick flick and the quiet time...........nice end to the day.

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